Taking the red pill! Think before you take it

Are you truly ready to take the red pill?

Please don’t be offended, dear reader. I am neither challenging nor questioning your capacity of opening yourself to the higher truth. I am not implying at all that you are not mature or enlightened enough to handle the reality.Taking the red pill and its aftermath might get more complex than you might anticipate. Therefore, please think before you take it.

Speaking of the ‘reality‘, it would be very beneficial to remind that an INFINITE NUMBER OF realities exist, on different dimensions and planes. Anything that is a part of our daily lives as a ‘reality’ here on the 3rd plane, might not be the reality on different dimensions, planes or even on different timelines.

After reminding it, let’s focus on ‘our reality‘, as we commonly experience it here on planet Earth.

How similar & comparable is the situation of taking the red pill in  spiritual sense, to that other red pill, which became legendary in urban lexicon, thanks to the movie “Matrix’? Remarkably similar!

Are we talking about the same red pill?

Do you remember those famous quotes of the fictional movie character ‘Morpheus‘ (by Laurance Fishburne)  from the original 1.movie, ‘The Matrix’, released in year 1999?

Let’s shortly remind ourselves, how Morpheus character described the choice between taking the ‘Red pill vs. Blue pill’ to other immortal character “Neo” in the same movie:

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.


I am about to offer you the same chance to make a decision, just like Morpheus did for Neo. One thing is crucial to accept & understand: It is absolutely up to our free will to decide taking the red pill or to return it. Think before you take it. It will be for our best & highest good, if the decision of ‘taking the red pill’ is 100% backed up by our free will, thus we honor our basic human right of freedom of choice.

“Will I look like a looser if I don’t take the red pill?”

Don’t make such a decision while feeling under peer pressure. Worrying about what other people (your family, your circle of friends, your peers in your spiritual circle etc.) would possibly think about you, will  NOT serve you in the best & highest way. Therefore, think before you take it. Once you take the red pill, the possible consequences -the beauty & freedom it will bring to your life, as well as the struggle- of your decision will become part of YOUR daily life, NOT THEIRS.

Profound A-Ha moments, self-realization and synchronicities will likely start to happen in your daily life. Once you decide taking the red pill, your your vibration will start increasing. There will be numerous beautiful & profound experiences in your day-to-day life, in various forms of ‘EUREKA effect‘. Each of these experiences will possibly make your day, they will motivate you to continue on your journey, for diving deeper, going farther and seeing broader.

What I briefly described above is absolutely NOT the whole picture! The way you vibrate and its frequency will change. Your inner light (divine essence) will start to shine brighter and brighter… which will turn you to a clear target of lower vibratory beings of any kind: Human or non-human. These are the so-called ‘Energy Vampires‘.

“What do you mean by ‘Energy Vampires‘?”

Energy vampires and their intentions vary. At the lower end there are relatively innocent chatter boxes. Somewhere in the mid-section we may find the archetype of friends or acquaintances who often have something to complain about. On the other end of the spectrum there are non-physical beings that intend to feed themselves off of your energy reserves. A better developed awareness will help you shape your responses towards the human ones for sure. Thanks to your higher awareness, you can firstly spot them, understand their patterns, and secondly put a distance between yourselves and them.

It is not that easy to detect & notice all of them right on spot! Some non-physical forms are true masters of hiding themselves. They may be regularly placing the seeds of negative thoughts, such as worry, anxiety, feeling isolated, being judgemental etc., and you wouldn’t even notice that you are under their influence.

As a result of taking the red pill, you will possibly become more and more attractive for these thought or energy forms. That’s why I keep on repeating it: “Think before you take it.

“I thought I would become invincible by taking the red pill”

Becoming fully aware of ‘the matrix’, making conscious decisions, awakening yourself, and then eventually becoming ‘invincible‘, is surely going to happen to you, but in the long run.

Before that takes place, you will need to walk (or run or fly above) your path. Becoming fully awaken, conscious & enlightened is NOT going to happen overnight! The brighter your inner light will shine, the more of a ‘prospect‘ you will seem to those various thought & energy forms. They will probably do all their tricks to attach themselves on you, perhaps gradually start invading your energy field, and -in extreme cases- own you.

This is a game for them. It is not a game of a naive, playful & child-like sense and context. Its their game of survival and their polarity of serving themselves!

Downsides of taking the red pill

Without getting ourselves into unnecessary details, for the sake of easy-readability of this article, it is sufficient for you to know now, the following: Some of these beings are unwillingly stuck here on this dimension & plane, which may be caused by a wide variety of reasons. Those beings need to attach themselves to a higher source of life energy. The brighter your inner light becomes, the more you will attract their attention, thus they will want to attach themselves onto you.

Yes, there are certain practices and exercises to protect your energy field. Some of those practices will help you fairly well. However, we are creatures of multi-layers and we stored plenty of past experiences, emotions, beliefs, programs, related to them. These entities or thought forms will likely trigger all the unresolved issues that you still carry in your field.

To your surprise, you may even be subconsciously permitting these entities to stay within your energy field and suck your energy. These possible agreements need to be detected, cancelled and replaced with the most suitable forms on energies. You may put yourself in a deep meditative state for scanning your field, finding out such programs and replace them. Alternatively, you may ask for the help of an experienced, well-trained and a certified healer, to do it for you.

Once you take the red pill, your personal marathon starts!

After taking the red pill, there is only one way to walk or run: In the direction of light! This is your life, this is your personal marathon. You don’t need to run with all your power. You can walk, jog, run, sprint… it is all up to you. Once it starts, there would be only one thing I humbly suggest you NOT to do: Do not stop fully!

Bottom line is the following: After taking the red pill you can not stop your personal journey of healing yourself! Are you not so sure of what healing is and what self-healing can mean for you? Please read my related article.

Once you take hero’s journey, you simply can not give up working on all your issues one after another, resolve them, forgive all the people involved in -including yourself- all major situations, and then eventually heal yourself. If you give up running this marathon, your daily life will slowly become almost unbearable for you to live it. And it’s not only about this, but also the following fact: You simply can not return to your old life, as if nothing had happened!

Think therefore, before you take it, so that the decision will be 100% yours, and you won’t have the slightest possibility to blame anybody and anything, for your conscious decision. Once you accept & embrace yourself as you are, and take ownership and full the responsibility, your journey will start. The journey might take you a long time, but once it is completed, you may think as this: “It was so much worth it!


Kıvanç Öroglu

Healer & Transformative Coach


Photo: <a href=’https://www.freepik.com/photos/hand’>Hand photo created by drobotdean – www.freepik.com</a>

Kivanc Oroglu

Transformational coach, intuitive, healer, counselor, light worker