Remember Who You Truly Are
Activation for Starseeds, Wanderers & light workers

Did you have that feeling all your life, that there's something more about your presence on Earth? Some kind of mission or role you were meant to play? Can it be the reason why earthly matters & possessions didn't interest you that much, besides maintain your well being? Together, let's unlock the mystery and help you meet the meaning in your life.
STEP 1Observe & identify
We will gently scan your energy field, observe how energy flows, examine the core reasons of repetitive loops of your life. We start digging deeper.
STEP 2Address & remove
Together, we will dig deeper and find out the reasons of trapped emotions, traumas, repetitive cycles. After removing undesired components we'll reprogram your human software
STEP 3Learn & heal
A deeper understanding comes while revisiting the most important events of your life. Embracing & internalizing lessons of your life opens the door for healing & elevating your consciousness. Your body, mind, and spirit... all will benefit of it.
STEP 4Expand & Integrate
At this stage we'll become aware of the big picture in your life. The Grand Plan. States of expansion & integration will follow. Soon, an overall higher vibratory frequency will become your new default energy level.
A few examples to possible trapped emotions in the body

What prevents you from rising up to your full potential?

What you've experienced during your childhood and teenage years happened for a reason. You've been learning & perhaps mastering some life lessons of your soul's choice. Rather than resisting any of them, addressing & internalizing them would greatly accelerate your re-empowerment. For a thorough scan and consultation, please book a private ascension coaching and trauma healing session with me.
If you feel you are intuitively gravitated towards my coaching & healing services, you are more than welcome to book a private appointment with me.

Let's rediscover your true story together. I'll guide you healing yourself from all past burdens, attracting light & love energy from 7th plane with a certified healer.

Please also check all the available packages for a more committed long term healing process.

Visit me anytime

Life can throw tens of challenging questions at you. The answer might not always be the obvious one! For everything you sense, but somehow can not clearly explain to yourself... I am here to help you.
U Zvonařky 2536/1
120 00 Prague 2 - Vinohrady
Call me
+420 608 125 435

Image by by Serge Francois – Pain / Emotion Chart